Women who don't have the online surf would check the refrigeratory first at home to see if there is any food out there to be made. Women who addicted to online surf would check the latest posts on the BBS board to see if there is anything new and funny.
Women who don't surf would often go to the body and face care center to looking for beauty, while on the other hand, it would be used to surf onlilne instead by those opposite women.
Women who don't surf would go to bed early to ensure enough good sleep to keep their face looking good, while Women who addicted to surf would be totally unsleepless in the night.
Women who don't surf would feel a little bit dissapointed when heard people say that the outside world is very wonderful, while the women who surf would think instead that the online world be even more wonderful.
Women who don't surf would feel time passed so slow, Women who surf feel times really passed too quick to even notice.
Chinese Overview: 也许我更愿意做一个不上网的女人,只是现实是残酷的。