If success and superier life needs to be trade with my soul, then I would rather stay poor and ordinary then betraying myself and family.
What the movie is about in case you haven't seen:
Based on the hilarious best-selling novel, this sinfully funny movie starring Academy Award(r) winner Meryl Streep* and Anne Hathaway is 'sensationally entertaining in every way' (maxim).
As assistant to impossibly demanding New York fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly (Streep), young Andy Sachs (Hathaway) has landed a job that 'a million girls would die for.'
Unfortunately, her heaven-sent appointment as Miranda's personal whipping girl just might be the death of her!
Chinese Overview:电影《时尚女魔头》点睛:如果一定要靠出卖灵魂和不断的背叛来获得成功和优越的生活,那么我宁愿选择平凡和贫穷。