Even if you don't need to borrow money from bank, you still can take the fund out to use in the house decoration project according to current policy, and if your first house is totally paid off, than you can take the fund out to buy the second house too.
The house accumulation system going like this, the individual deduct from his own salary for a amount, and than the company should also pay the same amount as you, so the more you deducted, the better.
In China, some country owned enterprise like China mobile, China telicom.... They would go on the highest amount deducted, which is 1500, or more, that means, they would have 3000 into their account every month. It's only for a few people, not all of their employers, but I think those enterprise got too good welfare to let those working in the privite company embrassed just like me.
Chinese Overview: 公积金整体来讲,是个好东西。